Wednesday, July 1, 2009

What kind of Junk is in your trunk?

This is one of the topics we discussed during Bible Study last night. I'm using this picture to represent someone who just has all kinds of junk and doesn't know where to put it or what to do with it, so they just kept piling it up in a trunk.
What kind of junk do we have in our trunk? Nope I'm not talking about the ol' hope chest you have at home filled with momentos of your life going back to your childhood and sometimes as far back as great-grandparents even, nor am I talking about the ol' tool boxes and such in your husband's shop, nor boxes tucked away in your attic or closets that just keep seem to keep piling up the longer you live. We have no where to put the "stuff" so we just continue boxing it up, and storing it somewhere so that one day we have to deal with all of it.
I'm talking about all the "junk" we have stored in our souls that we just keep boxing up, storing away, hiding in the crevices so far back till our trunks are now "overflowing". Our souls need to be "freed"
So ask yourself these questions:
1. Why am I holding onto all the junk?
2. Am I going to "really" use or need this junk later?
3. If it's junk why am I not throwing it away?
4. Am I scared to get rid of it? If so, why?
It's time to do some house cleaning or I like to say some "junk-cleaning".
Let's get RID of the junk from our trunk(lives), so God has room to move into that free space and use us again for HIS GLORY! Yeh!
Got Junk?


Crystie said...

Oh friend...I am trying desperately to get rid of my junk! Thanks for allowing me to "throw it up" on ya!

Love u much,


Pinkshoelady said...

I loved this Beverly!
After last Tuesday and now I'm literaly cleaning out tubs and tubs of junk from my office and storage bin.
Cleaning inside and out is good!
Love ya

Regina said...

Yep! I got junk.

Here is a piece of advice for the junk trunk. . . get it EMPTY. . . fill it with Jesus. . . later if anything gets put in the trunk besides Jesus deal with it immediatley! Don't wait til the trunk is FULL of junk to do something about it.

In case you didn't know. . . that is Freedom!

LynnSC said...

Junk is so heavy!! Cleaning it out is in our best interest... I'm with the rest of you Tuesdays... lets get to cleaning!!

i love you girls,