Saturday, February 12, 2011

Our work matters.....

Col 3:23-24 "Whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ".

What a great morning devotion with my Lord today. This wonderful passage he gave me today helps me to realize that whatever I am doing that I am significant to Him. God does not want any of us to struggle with this little word "insignificance".

Ok, so we may be picked last for a game of dodgeball, we may be on the bottom of the pay scale at our jobs, we may be the one who has to stay behind because there's no more room in the vehicle where all the girls are going on a shopping spree, but none of these things has to do with our significance.

What we do whether its a big job or a small task, (being a missionary or cleaning the toilets at church) they are all assignments from the Lord and therefore that alone makes it significant to Him.

Then "the attitude" in which we do these things is important to God. We must put everything from our soul into these assignments. God wants us to approach each task with thankfulness and not complaining. (yep cleaning toilets is not glamorous) but doing it for God's house makes it special.

When we wake up each morning with a pumped up attitude on our hearts and our lips that can make all the difference in our day......remember the work we do matters to God you are not at all insignificant so embrace what your new day brings and then give thanks back to God for it.

****stay tuned for part II of our work matters.........

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