Saturday, November 29, 2008


God is overwhelming me today with His faithfulness, His goodness, His giving.
He was showing me today how I need to empty myself of "self" and how He is pouring Himself inside me daily.

During my quiet time with my Lord this morning He kept showing me just how good and faithful He is to me and to all the others in the world.

I started crying this morning when I was thinking and praying for Michael McDaniel and all the ways God has brought him to where he has so far.

I could write a novel just on the things God has done for him so far and I don't even know everything first hand, only second hand information from his family. So I can't even imagine the things that God has done that I don't even know of.

Three special words to tell you all what God is to all of you and me: (now read carefully but really "hear" these words inside your heart)
"God is Good"
Yes He is! anything special you want to share about how God has been good to you lately, please comment and let us hear about them so we can all learn and grow in Him but mostly so we can see how God is working in others....
When you think about "ALL" the things God has done for you how overwhelmed are you?
Are you spending time on "bent knees" to let Him know?

1 comment:

LynnSC said...

Hi Beverly,
God is Good... all the time. He has been so faithful to me too. Although things are not as I would want them to be... He is so faithful to minister to my real need. He has given me so much of Himself that the other stuff just seems to fall into the background.

His love and faithfulness are overwhelming...