Saturday, January 17, 2009

What is submission......

Submission is:

  • Functional......a distinguishing of our roles and the work we are called to do.
  • Relational......a loving acknowledgement of anothers's value as a person.
  • Reciprocal.....a mutual, humble cooperation with one another.
  • acknowledgement by the church of the all-encompassing lordship of Jesus Christ.

Submission is voluntarily cooperating with someone, first out of love and respect for God and then out of love and respect for that person. Submitting to unbelievers is difficult, but it is a vital part of leading them to Jesus Christ. We are not called to submit to nonbelievers to the point that we compromise our relationship with God, but we must look for every opportunity to humbly serve in the power of God's Spirit.


Regina said...

"Submitting to unbelievers is difficult, but it is a vital part of leading them to Jesus Christ."

Whoa! That goes right along with the memory verse that I am working on now (posted on my blog).
I so need to heed that statement. I hate to recount the times that I have fouled up my witness because of this. Oh may the Lord change me in this area!!!

Love you sister!
P.S. I will miss seeing you in church today, we are laying low because Sara is sick (please pray for her).

LynnSC said...

Submission is such a misunderstood term...

We must ook for every opportunity to serve others. I so love that.

I am wondering if I am going to have to cancel Bible study tomorrow for the snow that we are supose to get... I hope not!!

With much love,