Friday, May 15, 2009

Looking around the house...for Kelly

I was sitting around the house today thinking WOW it seems so quiet.
I'm so used to Kelly being home during the summer when she gets out of college, but guess what? not this summer!

Because she is now married and is living in her own house with her great husband.

I started looking around for signs that she lived here. 99% of her belongings have left our house and are with her now, and all I have are pictures, memories, closet doors with paint on them, a wall in her room with all kinds of sayings/quotes/etc. written on it, a self-portrait of herself she painted in college this year and gave to me, a few knick knacks here and there.

But, she is not here......I am so exicted for her and the life God has now given her
But I miss her so.........I cry at least once a day......then God gives me joy......

Kelly I love you so much and I will pray for you every day.

God, thanks for allowing "Me" to be her mother.


Regina said...

I'm praying for you.

And Marty. Everyday.

God's got big plans girl.

I'm so glad He brought you back into my life so I don't miss what He is going to do.

Love you!

Anonymous said...

I know that God "chose" you as her mother. Who better to prepare her for what he has planned for her!
BTW...if it helps you feel better we don't see much of them either hahaha....:)