Tuesday, February 3, 2009

How Big the Little word "All" is.......

From my devotion today I just had to share because God really used this "little" word in some BIG ways today.

Webster's meaning of this word is: "the whole of, every one of, complete, everything, every bit, everything one has, the whole amount, entirely.

Well get this BIG information about this little three-letter word (all):

  • This word is in the Bible 5,675 times.

Look at some of the verses in the Bible where this word is used:

  • Rom. 8:28 "All things work together for the good of those who love God"
  • Isa. 38:17 "You have thrown all my sins behind your back"
  • Matt. 10:30 "Even the hairs of your head have all been counted"
  • Matt. 22:37 "Love the Lord your God with all your heart"
  • Prov. 3:5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart"
  • Matt. 11:28 "Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened"

There are no words in the Bible that are wasted words. In these verses the word "all" could have been left out, yet they weren't.

I am seeking God's all in my life every day. I want to be where He wants me to be, doing what he wants me to do and as I seek him, He shows me His "all".

I can't give my "all" until I seek his "all". How about you? are you seeking for His all too?

Deut. 4:29 "You will search for the Lord your God, and you will find Him when you seek Him with all your heart and all your soul".

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