Sunday, April 26, 2009

What is Heaven and Hell?

Two great basic points shared by my future son-in-law in his sermon today. Not that we don't already know this but there may be someone who is reading this who these two statements just might hit home and help them make a decision to follow Christ.

You ready, OK here goes:

Heaven is where "He" is
Hell is where "He" Ain't

1 comment:

Regina said...

So, even this. here. right now. can be heaven, right?

Because He is in me, and I am in Him.

That's what I call Abundant Life!

That concept is part of the story behind my blog name. Grinderswitch: Heaven on Earth

When I realized this for the first time it rocked my world and changed my life here in this world.

Thanks for sharing!
Love ya!