Thursday, October 16, 2008

Do What you Can...

Here is a little poem that was written for the Lend a Hand Society. It serves as a good reminder that each of us can make a difference in our own way.

I am only one.
But still I am one.
I cannot do everything.
But still I can do something.
And because I cannot do everything,
I will not refuse to do the something that
I can do.

--Edward Everett Hale

***Let's think about this great poem....are we doing something? anything? or just gliding through life waiting for tomorrow to arrive.....

--we can share Jesus through our words and actions, let's get busy now---people are out there waiting and needing us to "Do Something"

Let's Go (go and tell)
Let's Do (Do something)
Let's Be (Be a Voice)

1 comment:

Pinkshoelady said...

Hi Beverly,
I loved this!
I missed you guys Tuesday night.
Thanks for the prayers.

See ya soon!