Monday, January 4, 2010

Keep asking.....

Two little words that spoke mountains to me tonite during my quiet time. "keep asking".

In Ephesians 1:17 it says this "I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better."

Check this out, Paul here is not saying that he prayed once for the Ephesian people, he kept asking, this means he was in a state of constant prayer for them.

I know that many times and many things in my life I have prayed over and over to the point where I've even thought that God is tired of hearing me pray that prayer again, but this verse is a reminder to me that He wants me to keep asking him. You know maybe He wants to even see how committed I really am to the thing I'm asking about. Sometimes we all ask God for something and because we don't see immediate results we don't ask again. Well I tell you what I want Him to know I'm committed, I want to keep asking and keep learning and keep letting Him reveal to my heart, His desires and His plan for me, but unless I ask how can I know.

All wisdom of His word and clarity of circumstances come from God, so how can we receive this wisdom and revelation unless we are talking to Him and asking Him the things that are on our heart.

These two words to me also reflect determination. We don't need to give up asking God for answers, for clarification, for healing, or many other issues in our life "until" He answers us. When He answers, accept the answer and thank Him for it, but until He answers, "ask", He wants to hear our heart.

At the latter part of this verse it says "so that you may know him better". Well how will that ever happen, if we aren't asking. We should ask and keep asking for that one purpose "to know him better". I want to truly KNOW God, not just the facts, dates, historical data about Him, but to know Him in the most deepest way that my heart can hold. The type of person God wants me to be will only happen by me seeking to know Him, and to seek Him I must "keep asking" Him.

The more I "ask" the more I'm gonna learn.
What about you? are you ready to do some asking?

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