Monday, August 25, 2008

Show up and Show Off God..........

WOW, let me share some awesome points from our sermons yesterday as food for thought for your day!

  • God has chosen us to tell others that Jesus saves.
  • Did you know you can't say "Not so Lord".
  • We aren't going to heaven because we scored but because he scored, he saved us!
  • We can go through all the rituals of our worship and still not be right with God.
  • When we come to God's house, do we come prepared to HEAR?
  • You don't go to heaven because of your suffering but because He suffered for you!
  • Why don't we get hungry for God like we do for food?
  • We think we are doing God a favor by showing up at church.
  • We give God our leftovers.
  • God chooses to love people that don't deserve His love.
  • Have you ever met a Christian and wondered why He chose them! Hey it's because he loves them unconditionally and because He chooses us all! Have we chosen Him?
  • If God would consult us, we would tell God to do things differently than He does now.

If the sermon points alone are this good and get you pumped, you should have been there to hear the entire sermon. For any of you that read my blog and are ever in Rock Hill then stop on by and hear and watch God's mighty power at work at Calvary Baptist.

God is moving powerfully in our church and we are getting ready to embark on a 24-7 Watchman Prayer Ministry and it will be amazing to see how God will "Rock" once that begins.

Whew! I'm getting pumped up just writing about all this. Show up and Show off God! Yeah!

1 comment:

Regina said...

Sunday was great! I gotta tell you a funny though. . .

We went to the Olive Garden after church and we pulled into the parking lot and here is what was said. . .

Phillip: Why does everyone else get here before us?

Daddy: Their preacher must not be as detailed as ours.


Out of the mouths of babes. Too funny.