**Here are some references to Sunday's sermon from Pastor Tom Tucker Calvary Baptist:
Every service at church we have empty pews, empty altars, dry eyes and no burden.
~~ Am I allowing God to peel me like an onion so the real Christian can stand up!
We are organized with our programs, church service, etc but are we agonized over souls being saved?
The question today is not church growth but church health? How well am I ? how well are you?
We have church members that are starched and ironed but they've never been washed in the blood! Have you been washed?
Do I want to live a wasted life? How many days in my life have brought honor & glory to God? Let's take our mask off and show who we really are!
Why can people confess things to a bartender, psychologist, counselor but can't give our confessions to Jesus the one who can do all for us!
If God is #1 in your life then you need to know there is a #2 trying to take over #1, also you need to know that God wants to be your Lord! not #1
Some of the reasons we pretend are because:
~we are drifting from the Word
~we doubt God's Word
~we are dull to God's Word
Let's Quit Pretending and Let's Be real!
Will the Real Christian Please stand up! and after you stand up then go on out and share God's Word with someone who is in need of it, who needs salvation, they are waiting on us, it won't come to them by itself. Let's help it to get there.
Here's a statistic of our church area (there are 83,000 people who live in a 5-mile radius) how many of them are we going to pretend with and how many of them are we going to reach for Jesus? you do the math!
I hate that I missed Sunday. Jonathon said that it was a really good service. We probably won't be there tonight either, today is Sara's Birthday, and if we go to church after I get off work I will not get to spend any time at all with her.
I will see you Sunday, if you need to talk call me or email me.
Love ya,
Great questions to ponder. Couldn't agree with you more!
Great Post Beverly,
I hate that we were not there Sunday. I also heard that it was awesome.
We do need to be real... How can God use us to point a dying world to Him is were are busy trying to pretend that we are perfect?? The world needs to know that we are not perfect. BUT... God is!!
I am so thankful that I have Jesus to take my burdens to... He is always there for me.
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