Saturday, September 6, 2008


What is Bread? How many of you love to eat bread?

I think as long as I had bread and milk I could live forever.
Here's a picture of that wonderful stuff.

Webster's dictionary of bread is this: baked food of flour dough; signifies livelihood.

Bread is also basic staple food in the diet of ancient Israel.
Bread is made from wheat or barley.
Bread in the Bible often "just" means food.

When Jesus responded to Satan when He was being tempted he said "man does not live by bread alone" was he really saying "by food alone"?

Jesus often uses the image of bread in His teachings. The most striking remembrance of this word is in John 6:35 when He refers to Himself as "the bread of life".

This kind of bread gives us nourishment in the present but it will also guarantee us eternal life. In John 6:53 Jesus tells us "that unless we eat of the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood we have no life.

The bread is a divine gift.

At the Last Supper Jesus took the Bread offered it to His Father, breaks the bread and instructs His disciples to take and eat.

You see Jesus is revealing to us that He is giving Himself up for us under the sign of "bread".

Jesus taught us to pray "Give us this day our daily bread"

To ask for our daily bread is recognizing God's kindness to us.

Thanks Lord for Being my Bread. You are always so filling.....I never can get enough.

If we are starving, we are starving because we want to, because
"In my Father's House, There is "Bread Enough to Spare"

Have you had your "Bread"'s waiting for you....won't you partake?

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