Psalms 51:10 "Create in me a clean heart O' God and renew a right spirit within me."
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Stress Busters Day 2.....
Hello, being physically exhausted is more than likely God saying to us "Hey slow down"
Did you know that God intends for us to rest. Read these verses: Matt: 11-28-30
28 Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.”
In today's world it's no wonder we aren't resting, we work, we come home, cook, clean, get the kids their baths, check homework, getting things ready for the next day, watch some TV, stay up very late at night, and get up early and begin those things and more all over again.
Do you "hear" the word "rest" in any of the above. Nope, I see and hear nothing but the word "tired, exhausted, pooped" After we do all that "stuff" we are too tired to "rest" in Him.
Our spiritual batteries are running low, we are not going, going, going like the Energizer Bunny instead we are gone, gone, gone. When we get to that point that is when we give up having times with God so we can "rest". We say things like I'll catch you later God, I'll do double reading and praying tomorrow God. OK let's admit it, how many of us really keep those promises. I don't think we could ever catch up for those times when we've put God off because we are tired.
If we begin and end our day with God, we can keep going, going, going and we will begin to experience the true "rest" in Him that we need and even when we have busy days like noted above it won't seem like it because He gives us "rest" when we spend time with Him.
I'm ready to "rest", how about you?
Monday, December 29, 2008
Stress Busters Day 1....
Here is some of what I learned from Day One - "Beating Stress One Day at a Time"
Isaiah 50: 4-5:
The Sovereign Lord has given me his words of wisdom, so that I know how to comfort the weary. Morning by morning he wakens me and opens my understanding to his will. The Sovereign Lord has spoken to me, and I have listened. I have not rebelled or turned away.
We need to wake up "EVERY' morning and spend time with God, this will be the only way that our spirits will be lifted, therefore our stress will be relieved.
When we spend time with God He will align our day with His will and we won't go about making all the decisions on our own which only causes our stresses to get bigger.
Are we trying to just "squeeze" God into little corners of our day just when we need Him? If we are we need to re-swizzle and get Him at the TOP of our daily list, as soon as our feet hit the floor.
If we really need to get rid of stress in our life then we need to put Him (Jesus) at top of our morning. He is ready and waiting. Are we?
To relieve "Stress" - wake up with Jesus every morning
Friday, December 26, 2008
Future son-in-law for was great....
We love you both very much and we look forward to what Christ has in your future...
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas...
I pray as you have a few days left of this year that God will show you what He has that He needs you to do before 2008 is gone. Sit back a minute and listen for Him to speak and when He speaks, obey.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Visit with my Grandmother today...
Oh look how precious she is. Myself, my mother, sister, aunt, cousin and her daughter all went to have lunch together today then went to visit with my grandmother at the nursing home today.
We had a GREAT time today. We took pictures, shared stories of our families since we hadn't seen each other in while.
We just had a ball.....Well I just wanted to share a picture of my dear sweet grandmother with all of you that read my blog and ask that you pray for her.
Thanks to all of you I really enjoyed today very much!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Great Update on Michael's Homecoming...19 weeks 3 Days
The day is here! Michael is coming home.
As of this morning Michael will be released from the rehabilitation center into Nikki's hands.
They will be traveling (yes by car) to MUSC for a check up with the surgeons and Michael will be sent home.
I believe he is very nervous about being in a car and rightly so.
Michael has been able to walk (assisted) a little bit this week and seems to be in good spirits.
The doctors have mentioned they are a little concerned about his gallbladder and it may have to be removed, but the verdict is still out on that one. His belly is still in the healing process and they do not want to go back in for fear of hurting the intestines more.
Michael will have an in-home physical therapist visiting the home 3 times a week to continue working with him.
Nikki has been able to secure a home for themselves. It has a wheel chair ramp and all.
It is located just 4 miles from my house, so that is good.
Becky, Nikki, Ashley and I along with a few friends have painted the entire place this past weekend and we are working every night this week to move all their belongings into the home.
We are very happy that chapter 3 for Michael, Nikki and Wyatt is at hand.
Christmas shall be so much more sweeter now.
Becky and I are so glad that we can see a finality to all of this, but we understand that with Michael being home it will present more challenges and this young family will need continued help.
I am so thankful to you all for all you have done to help us along through this mess.
Please know that we are overjoyed this Holiday season and are so blessed.
To you and your loved ones... Merry Christmas,
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Do you have a birthday present for Jesus on your list?
Hmmm... what can you and I give to Him....someone who has all and knows all.....
There may be one gift He doesn't have yet "YOU" If you don't know Him as your Savior what a better time to give a gift than right now. This would be the best gift ever given than any gift on your list.
Give yourself to Him and He will give you salvation (this is a gift that can never get lost, destroyed, thrown away, has to be returned) it will be your's forever. It's a gift that keeps on giving.... starts at salvation but will end with a home eternally in heaven with Him. WhooHoo!
Today is the day to celebrate the best gift ever from the best gift giver ever - Jesus the gift we will enjoy forever!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Obsessions, Addictions....
It could also be T.V., playing golf, playing video games, work, etc. etc. etc.
I've started really looking at my daily life over the past two weeks to see if I have things in my life that have become an obsession or addiction for me to the point that it takes away from precious moments with Jesus. I have found there are some things that tend to be either a crutch for me or that have a power over my mind that pulls me from spending time with the Lord in the Word. How am I to get to know Him better and know His Word if I give what belongs to Him to these other things.
Hey I can still have fun in my life, being a Christian is not a hum drum lifestyle, but I need to make sure that I'm not pushing Jesus aside to do those fun things He allows me to do.
What about you guys, have you taken inventory on your life lately to see if you too may be pushing Him aside to just focus on you and what you want to do.
Whaddaya say and let's help each other in these areas of our lives by praying for one another that God would help us to see the things we need to get rid of or change.....I'll pray for you and I hope you will pray for me.
**Yippee***I've already gotten rid of two of those things from my life this week and already see how much more time I have to spend with my Lord/His Word and my family.
....... Thanks Jesus for showing me.......
Saturday, December 13, 2008
I was in need of "The Quiet" how about you?
I needed the quiet so He drew me aside,
Into the shadows where we could confide.
Away from the bustle where all the day long
I hurried and worried when active and strong.
I need the quiet though at first I rebelled
But gently, so gently, my cross He upheld,
And whispered so sweetly of spiritual things
Though weakened in body, my spirit took wings
To heights never dreamed of when active and gay.
He loved me so greatly He drew me away.
I needed the quiet. No prison my bed,
But a beautiful valley of blessings instead
A place to grow richer in Jesus to hide
I needed the quiet so He drew me aside.
Why did He draw me aside? So that I would spend time in His Word.
Yep He wants me to spend time with Him instead of many of the other things I am doing in my life every day. In a discussion with my daughter this week and then time in prayer with my Lord He helped me to see that there have been times in my life lately when I've put him on the shelf to do what I wanted.
Let me say I NEVER want to put Him on the shelf and I thank Him so much for "the quiet" I had with Him today and all the things He has shown me today.
I could have gone with my husband and son and brother-in-law to the great Biltmore House in Asheville, but I chose to stay here in "the quiet" because God is needing to teach me things and I wanted to give Him all of myself so He could show me those things and what I need to do about them. Thank you God for changing me and continuing to show me you aren't done with me yet.
I praise you Lord for "The Quiet"
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Monday, December 8, 2008
Christmas Tree...
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Are we Forgotten, not if you know the Lord
He is always there even though we can't see Him.
He never let's us down.
Thank you Lord for being there.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Update on Michael - Day 115...
There is some real promising news on Michael's recovery this week.
As of the last 2 days while Michael has been in Waccamaw Rehabilitation Center, he has been able to stand and take a few steps.
On Tuesday he was able to walk while holding onto the parallel hand rails for the length of the rails.
I believe this was 5 to 6 steps.
On Wednesday Michael told me he tried a walker and even though walking is very painful for him, he has done well.
We all here are so proud of his courage and strength.
We are looking forward to the eventual return to home for Michael.
He will be traveling back to MUSC for his review by the surgeons there on Dec. 15th.
He will then return to Waccamaw Rehab Center.
The assessment team at Waccamaw have stated that if he continues on the current path of recovery as soon as Dec. 17th he maybe able to come home.
Once home Michael will most likely have in-home health care workers visiting him and maintaining his recovery.
Kindly keep your prayers lifted up for the Christmas homecoming.
A world of thanks to all of you for your prayers and help.
We appreciate everything everyone has done for the family.
We hope you have a wonderful Holiday season,
Jim & family
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Does God know you intimately?
He knows what you dreamed about.
He knows what you had for breakfast or didn't have.
He knows where you left your car keys.
He knows what you think about your family members.
He knows why you are going to dodge some people in your path today.
The Scriptures make it very clear. You are known. Intimately.
Read these verses for your proof (if you need proof) (Psalm 139: 1-18)
Intimacy with God is the purpose for our lives. It is why God created us.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
He was showing me today how I need to empty myself of "self" and how He is pouring Himself inside me daily.
During my quiet time with my Lord this morning He kept showing me just how good and faithful He is to me and to all the others in the world.
I started crying this morning when I was thinking and praying for Michael McDaniel and all the ways God has brought him to where he has so far.
I could write a novel just on the things God has done for him so far and I don't even know everything first hand, only second hand information from his family. So I can't even imagine the things that God has done that I don't even know of.
Three special words to tell you all what God is to all of you and me: (now read carefully but really "hear" these words inside your heart)
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
How heavy is your baggage?
We are not always up and happy sometimes we are down and sad. We are carrying around so much baggage inside that the Lord has a hard time finding a crevice to get in because we have every spot clogged up with "STUFF"
So many times we ask God "why do you want me carrying around this much baggage"? I don't see any good in it Lord and it sure is awfully heavy.
Let me say that God does not want us to carry around any baggage that loads us down, brings us down. He wants us to throw it all overboard give all of ourselves to Him and let Him be the one to carry us (as He does anyway!)
God is the source of our existence. He is the one and only one who keeps us functioning every day.
Without Him we are nothing, but baggage carriers.
With Him, we are strength.
Our baggage is only as heavy as we continue to carry around, why not give it up to God and let Him lighten your load. Oh don't get me wrong sometimes we have to carry some load because that's how God teaches us, but the more you give to Him and ask His help with the lighter your load will be.
Thanks God for each load of baggage I sometimes have to carry, as you teach me what I need to learn.
Monday, November 24, 2008
It will be worth it all....
You cried and said to yourself "I'm falling apart", (but you didn't)
You say "I can't go on" (but you did)
Look around you. Look at all your growth. Chances are that you have forgotten the growing pains already. God goes with us all the way, right into the delivery room. He hears our cries and He takes our pains away!
And so it goes with our spiritual lives too. We agonize. We doubt. We fear. We stumble. We fall.
But.....we go on...
It will be worth it all when we see Jesus Christ face-to-face for we as Christians know the roots of joy!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
- cell phones
- computers
And what about other ways to access ways to communicate
What in the world did our prior generations do without all this stuff?
hmm...they communicated just fine without all these things.
So why is it that we get all bent out of shape when one of our ways of communication go down, get broken, lose connections, etc. etc.
Sometimes it would just be nice to go back to the "Good Ole' Days" huh?
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Now Hear this good news...update on Michael...
He will be going to Waccamaw Rehab in Murrells Inlet (so close to home - Aynor SC)
YAY Michael. It will now be time for people to go visit him and pump him up to continue with his recovery. Come on ya'll get out there and go see him, help lift his spirits.
Let him know that I will be there when I get a moment. I love you all who have kept him in your prayers and I really appreciate your support for this family. Don't forget they also could use your financial help. So anybody who has a few bucks laying around why not send it their way.
I'll keep you posted when I hear more.....
Monday, November 17, 2008
How do you study your Bible?
Please let me know....
How do you study your Bible?
When do you do it?
and how long?
Do you journal as God speaks to you?
Would love for you to share anything special that you do while studying. Come on now let me hear from you........please
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
How do you study the Bible?
How do you study your Bible?
When do you do it? and how long?
Do you journal as God speaks to you?
Would love for you to share anything special that you do while studying
Come on now let me hear from you........
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Update on Michael on Day 92....
Michael for the most part is doing a good bit better. In saying better I am referring to his attitude and out look for the moment.
He seems to be adjusting well to his surroundings. He watches a lot of TV and sleeps a great deal.
Don't we all wish we could do that...chuckles.
The doctors did try to give him solid food recently but, that didn't go over well and they stopped all solid food feedings.
Michael remains on a liquid diet for now.
The reason is that the small intestine is almost healed but not quite. It continues to leak just a bit.
We are hopeful that solid food will be in his future.
The large intestine remains in the colostomy bag on his side.
The doctors did do a skin graft to his abdomen. They now have half of the opening closed.
They will leave the other have open for now in case they need to go back in for any reason.
The skin graft to his ankle seems to have taken well and is healing.
The tracheotomy tube is out along with the tube in his nose.
Michael is able to speak a lot better now.
The therapists continue to try and do physical therapy on him while he remains in bed.
They work his arms and hands.
They have him sit up and attempt to dangle his feet off the side of the bed.
From what I understand this is very painful for him.
They would like for him to start to put weight on his legs and are working towards doing this.
The talk on the streets now is for his future recovery.
It has been stated here in the last week by the doctors and nurses that soon Michael maybe able to leave MUSC and go into a rehabilitation facility.
At this time we are not sure of what or where this facility will be.
In order to not go into too many details of financial issues with his care and recovery.
We have no clue as to how any of the rehabilitation will be paid for once he leaves MUSC.
The car insurance folks are working hard to settle with MUSC in order for Michaels medical care there to be taken care of and his balance will be zero when he leaves.
Allow me to say, his care is well over a million dollars to date at MUSC.
I have nothing but praise for the doctors, nurses and staff of MUSC.
They were able to take this young man, basically crushed from the waist down in dire life threatening situations and keep him alive, none the less allow all of us to sit and talk with him 92 days later.
It truly is a miracle.
We have begun some correspondence with the South Carolina Social Security Administration in order to see if Michael can be classified as disabled.
I hate to say it but, it is a reality.
This may go a long way in helping this young family to be able to support themselves and move forward with their lives.
We will hope for Medicaid relief for Michael.
I told Michael the last time I went to see him, of all the folks near and far that have been praying for him. Of all the folks that helped. Of all the kindness and support we all have been given by people, some we don't even know. Along with all the pledges of future help to come.
Michael looked me straight in the eye with a tear himself and said to tell you all, "thank you".
Then the tears were flowing like crazy.
We all remain so very much in your debt for all the kindness you have shown.
We know there still is a long road ahead.
We hope that we can have Michael home or at least closer to home for Christmas.
Thank you and peace to you all,
Monday, November 10, 2008
Lord send me another mountain....
We struggle to get up to the top but God shows us the way if we are looking to Him for how to get there, He teaches us many things on the way up that mountain, sometimes we fall down but He shows us how to get back up and keep going.
We experience success and failures every day in our climbs?
Climbing takes practice and faith. Each climb God teaches us wisdom for our lives.
Do you have the courage to "ask" the Lord for another mountain?
Saturday, November 8, 2008
2009 50-Mile Challenge Walk....
I'm placing a link here to my website if you would please make a donation.Just follow the instructions on the screen to make your donation, and please make sure to type in my name so that your donations gets posted correctly.
I am walking for my sister-in-law Beth McCormick who has MS.
We have to raise a minimum of $1500.00 in order to walk won't you please consider making a donation in order to try and find a cure for MS.
For the ones of you who may wonder this is a tax deductible donation.
Thanks much for considering and making a donation.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Brighten Your Corner....
There is a little dark corner in the heart of every human being.
Corners are thought of as brown or blue-toned, not dramatic browns or blues one feels, just dull and depressing.
I read somewhere that there are more than 6000 shades of color the eye can sort out and that half are browns and blues. With a light reflecting here and there they can change into soothing hues-pleasing to the eye, refreshing to the spirit.
And so it is with little deeds we spread, I found myself thinking "add a mirror for reflecting glory; or light a candle to chase gloom.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Wedding Plans.....
Reception location has been locked in. It's an awesome place.....
We are so excited.....
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Judgement House Day 6 (Last Night)
Total for all nights 343 Salvations. Praise God!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Judgement House Day 4
My future son-in-law helped out with counseling tonite. I was honored to have him with us as part of our team. Thanks Matt. Love ya.
Thanks to Noelle Chmielewski Bible Student who also came in this weekend to help us from college.
Everyone continue to pray for the next two days and what God has in store for the ones who will be coming through.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Update on Michael...Day 79....
Last Thursday they removed Michael's tracheotomy tube from his throat. Which was great news. He was able to speak a little better along with allowing him to finally try and take some clear liquids via mouth.
My wife and I took Wyatt to see his Daddy again. Wyatt is such a good little guy. He knew where we were going and was anxious to see his Daddy. He picked out a ghost type stuffed animal for his Daddy to take to him for the upcoming Halloween. As we walked down the hallway heading for Michael's room, Wyatt was all excited and kept saying as we passed the other patients rooms, "not my Daddy". Meaning that these were not Daddy's rooms. When we got to Michael's room Wyatt declared, "there's my Daddy" and Michael turned his head and waved and said hello to Wyatt. They both spent a good bit of time talking and generally having a good time.
Michael's lunch then arrived. It consisted of some chicken broth, iced tea, grape juice and a popsicle.
His Grandma told me to go ahead and feed him if I would like. I guess on Thursday when he had his first lunch without the tracheotomy tube, he was using a straw and took too much liquid at one time and it made its way into his lungs, being the hole from the tracheotomy tube isn't healed over yet. So, by Friday when we were there the nurses insisted that all liquids be given to him with a spoon.
Michael's hands continue to shake due to weakness so he has to be helped with the feedings.
I began to give him a couple spoonfuls of broth then some tea and he looked right at Grandma and said, "Nana feed me".
Well now, who am I to stand in the way...chuckles.
I guess I was doing something wrong. No big deal though on my part. I stepped to the side and let Grandma continue with his feeding.
The amazing thing about his lunch was after about 4 or 5 spoonfuls of broth, 3 or 4 spoons of tea and one piece of chopped up popsicle he was full.
Seems his stomach has shrunk down so much that a mouse size meal is all he can handle.
We were so very happy to see him be able to have some liquids by mouth though.
It was kind of funny in which he has stated the whole time he has been awake that he wanted a mountain dew. Well, Grandma got him one and gave him a spoonful of it and he didn't like it. I am not sure if it was the strong taste or if it was the carbonation, but boy he sure didn't want that after all. We all kind of chuckled at that one.
The skin graft that was done to one of his ankles has taken well.
He also has been having some physical therapy in his bed. They are working his arms and hands to help him gain strength along with trying to get him to bend his knees.
He is in great pain through out these sessions, but it will go a long way in helping him to gain some strength.
Yesterday we were told that his abdomen is leaking still and that they are going to stop the liquid diet that he was allowed since last Thursday.
This is fairly disappointing. We are not quite sure where the leaks are coming from but the assumption is that it is from the small intestine.
It is amazing how long it takes for wounds to the intestines to heal.
His large intestine remains outside his body in the colostomy bag.
Tomorrow they are going to skin graft part of the opening that remains in his belly. They feel they can close up half of the opening for now and allow that part to start healing.
During this surgery tomorrow they are most likely going to place a couple of drain tubes into the abdomen to allow the leaks to drain.
We are not yet sure when he will be allowed to have liquids again by mouth but we hold out hope that it won't be for too long.
All in all Michael seems to be in good spirits. He asked if he could have his X-box gaming system hooked up to the TV so that he can play some. I think in the long run it will be a good thing to have it for it will help him to use his hands and gain some strength.
We hope and pray this surgery tomorrow and subsequent looks into the abdomen will produce good results.
It seems even though 11 weeks have passed that there remains a long long road ahead.
We as a family continue to receive all kinds of prayers, support, well wishes and such kind generosity that it leaves us in tears sometimes. Folks we don't even know that have heard of the accident are coming forward with help.
You all are a great inspiration to us and we thank you; from the bottom of our hearts.
Jim and Becky Brown
Let me also put a request in for this family (Michael McDaniel) for anyone who may like to help financially. Here is a link to his church website so you can look there and get the address to the church or call them and get an address of where you could send your help. I'm sure after 79 days and who knows how many more this family could use whatever help you could offer.
Thanks for your prayers and what help you have already given.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Understanding Humility....
Humility is simply seeing ourselves as we actually are, not higher or lower.
It means being gut-level honest about ourselves - being up front.
It means knowing who we are and owning that - and owning our emotions.
It means living without hypocrisy.
Christ was our perfect example of what being humble really means. While it is difficult we should make every effort to follow His example of humility.
Is is right or wrong to get a tattoo - Part III
OK I didn't say anywhere that getting a tattoo is a sin, so let me set that straight. It is a choice just like many other things that face us today (like love, living together, eating too much, having sex before marriage etc. etc.). We have choices placed in front of us everyday, some of those choices are given to us by God and some by Satan and we choose which things we will do or not do.
Nor am I saying that getting or having a tattoo will or will not keep someone from going to heaven or keep me from witnessing to someone that has tattoos. We all need Jesus and regardless of if you have a tattoo will not keep me from telling you about the Lord or asking you to work for Jesus yourself. I've known many a GREAT people who are currently serving the Lord that has lots of tattoos (but they did tell me they got them before they knew Christ as Savior) - just saying...
I do feel however that people should make their choice on their own in prayer to God as to if they should or should not get a tattoo, not be pressured or challenged into it.
I love all people whether they have a tattoo or not and I myself want to see all people come to know Jesus and be able to live with Him in Heaven, it doesn't matter to me if they have tattoos or not, I will try to reach ALL people no matter who they are, what they wear, where they come from and so on. Everyone deserves to know my Lord.
I have a great friend who got a tattoo before she came to know Jesus as her Savior and now that she knows the Lord she regrets getting it.
It is all about choices people, should I or shouldn't I, that is the question.
And the answer to that question should only be given to you by God - seek Him and find out if you should or should not do the something that you are wanting to do.
I'm not saying it is right or wrong, what I am saying is its a choice, your choice, (not someone's elses to make for you or dare/challenge you to do).
God (and only God) through His Word should give you the answer of what to do with your body, your life.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Is it right or wrong to get a tattoo PART II...
In regards to the whole nature of this issue, we also cannot overlook what Ist Corinthians 6:19-20 states,
"Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; and you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body."
There are those that would attest that getting a tattoo on one's body is a "worldly act."
In 2 Corinthians 6:17, we are warned, "Therefore come out from them and be separate." We have also heard the phrase "in the world, but not of it" reiterated many times before. In this context, this could be taken by some as meaning that either
a) we are not to have anything with the world or
b) while we are living in this world, our lives are supposed to be radically different than those who don't know Christ around us.
As one pastor commented, "We are to be separate. We are to be different. We don't live according to the worlds' standards and cultures. As Christians, we are not to embrace the things that the world embraces (such as tattoos!). The message that we proclaim must not be compromised."
Leviticus 19:28. states, "Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourselves. I am the Lord."
It's kind of difficult to argue with a Scripture like that when it states it in black and white terms like that.
However, I know that some of you are already arguing/disagreeing that because this Scripture is in the Old Testament, it would be considered "under the Law of the Old Covenant."
To anyone thinking of getting a tattoo, let me urge you to really pray and search your own heart before God. Most people always want to hear what God has for them and what God wants to speak to them, however, the moment that God says no to something they want or the moment God asks people to do something that would ruffle their feathers, many don't want to hear it. We all are all guilty of this.
"You need to ask God-'Is this really what you want me to do?' And, if you are in a struggle with your flesh wanting it, but the Spirit of God telling you no, can you stop yourself from going through with the act of disobedience to God?
"Don't ever get a tattoo because of peer pressure. Don't get a tattoo as a fake "tough-guy" front or mask either. Make sure, really seek God… a tattoo is with you forever."
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Is it right or wrong to get a tattoo?
My feeling/opinion is one thing and hers was another. We shared our thoughts and then I started thinking I need to do some more research and write about it for the people who also have wondered/questioned this topic.
Here are my findings:
Do the same principles apply to tattoos that are of a Christian nature, such as a cross, a Christian slogan, or even a Bible verse? Some Christians have found that having tattoos gives them more credibility, and thereby more possibilities of evangelism, with some groups of people. So what about Christian tattoos? Obviously, a tattoo of a cross is “better” than a tattoo of a flaming skull, naked woman, or demon.
Having a tattoo saying “Jesus saves” could indeed be a conversation starter with some people who would never approach a preacher wearing a suit and tie. Some refer to Revelation 19:16 as an example of Jesus possibly having a tattoo on His thigh, “King of kings and Lord of lords.” The question is not necessarily “is getting a tattoo a sin?” The question is more “is getting a tattoo a good and necessary thing to do?” First Corinthians 10:23 declares, “Everything is permissible – but not everything is beneficial. Everything is permissible – but not everything is constructive.”
Christian tattoos may be “permissible,” but are they beneficial and constructive?
In 1 Corinthians 9:22-23, Paul exclaims, “I have become all things to all men so that by all possible means I might save some. I do all this for the sake of the gospel.” Becoming all things to save some is perhaps the only good possible reason for getting a Christian tattoo. If having a tattoo genuinely opens doors for evangelism that would otherwise be closed, getting Christian tattoos would likely “qualify” under Paul’s “becoming all things” qualification. At the same time, it is frankly difficult to envision a scenario in which having a tattoo would enable a greater possibility of evangelism. If a person will not listen to you due to a lack of a tattoo, it is highly unlikely that such a person would genuinely listen due to the presence of a tattoo.
With that said, the biblically based conclusion would seem to be that Christian tattoos are permissible, but it is highly questionable whether they can be considered beneficial and constructive. A Christian considering getting a tattoo should pray for wisdom (James 1:5) and ask the Lord to provide pure motives and discernment.
Judgement House Day 2
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Judgement House Day 1
Listen at this exciting news!!!!!!
47 Professions of Faith, yeah yeah yeah
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Continue to pray for Michael...
He still has a long road to recovery in order to be able to come home in the future. Could be 6 months or longer still, just unsure at this time.
His son got to see him this past weekend YAY!
He has lost quite a bit of weight. He has a lot of therapy to try and get his muscles strong again. He still has a lot of healing in the abdomen area.
They say he has a feisty spirit and is ready to come home, so if he keeps that outlook up maybe it will be sooner than 6 months.
Keep those prayers lifted up to Him because we know when God is ready for him to be completely well it could happen in the "twinkling of an eye"
Thanks for your continued prayers for this family....
Monday, October 20, 2008
A Strong Woman...
A strong woman works out every day to keep her body in shape...
but a woman of strength kneels in prayer to keep her soul in shape.
A strong woman isn't afraid of anything...
but a woman of strength shows courage in the midst of her fear.
A strong woman won't let anyone get the best of her...
but a woman of strength gives the best of herself to everyone.
A strong woman makes mistakes and avoids the same in the future...
but a woman of strength realizes life's mistakes can also be God's blessings and capitalizes on them.
A strong woman walks sure-footedly...
but a woman of strength knows God will catch her when she falls.
A strong woman wears the look of confidence on her face...
but a woman of strength wears grace.
A strong woman has faith that she is strong enough for the journey...
but a woman of strength has faith that it is in the journey that she will become strong.
**What great words to help us look into ourselves, why not allow these thoughts to soak into your heart and allow God to show you if there are any things you need to change today about yourselves/friendships/relationships.
Love in Him.....
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Ready for a tear jerker.....listen to this...
My 17 year old son (18 next month) came in my bedroom tonite and asked me with tears streaming down his face if I would start reading the Bible with him again every day like I did with my kids when they were younger. He said he needed that and he said that he needed me to help him.
I thought I would pass out! Most kids (especially boys) at these ages say they don't need their parents anymore, they live their lives in waiting to move away from home....and my son told me he needed me. I then started crying too and we shared some wonderful hugging time.
Thank you God for showing him and me that we still need each other. God I pray now that you will prepare both of us as we begin again to share devotion time together. Bring us to unity like we haven't had since he began doing devotions on his own. (not consistently but at least he was trying)
God I praise you for giving us what we need when we need it.
You are a mighty God!
I would take these tears tonite over anything else, what a lesson it taught both of us!
Thank you Lord...I love you....
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Do What you Can...
I am only one.
But still I am one.
I cannot do everything.
But still I can do something.
And because I cannot do everything,
I will not refuse to do the something that
I can do.
--Edward Everett Hale
***Let's think about this great poem....are we doing something? anything? or just gliding through life waiting for tomorrow to arrive.....
--we can share Jesus through our words and actions, let's get busy now---people are out there waiting and needing us to "Do Something"
Let's Go (go and tell)
Let's Do (Do something)
Let's Be (Be a Voice)
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
How often do we complain?
I look up tonite in Strong's Concordance how many times the "word" complain or any form of the word is used in the Bible and it shows (18) times. My first thought was what? it has to be more than that. Nope just (18) times is all. OK so that's just how many times this "word" is used in scripture but the number of times complaining was done in the Bible I have no idea. It would have to be in the hundreds and maybe even thousands. People complain about things or other people but they never try to do anything to make it better.
Why do we complain?
Do we have a right to complain?
Did Jesus complain while He was on the cross dying for us? a big fat NO!
If we think about each day we live probably the highest percentage of it is complaining, moaning, groaning. Is that all we have anymore?
What about some JOY! why not let go of complaining and replace it with some joy.
Beth Moore says "Joy keepers are soul winners".
How can we reach souls for Christ if our souls are full of complaining? If we are wanting to grow in the Lord this would be a great place to start for something to throw away (in the garbage) out of our life.
Monday, October 13, 2008
When we think of joy, we often think of things that are new - a new day, a new baby, a new love, a new beginning, the promise of a new home with God in heaven.
Rejoicing in these things originates with having joy in the God who makes all the things new. Rather than relying on earthly pleasures to provide happiness, the Scriptures command that we rejoice in God and in each new day He brings.
Joy is a celebration of the heart that goes beyond circumstances to the very foundation of joy - the knowledge that we are loved by God.
When we experience true joy, we will naturally express it. As God pours joy into our lives, we can bring it back to Him.
It seems whatever brings us the greatest joy also brings sorrow. Every mother knows that. We would not feel such sorrow if we did not have such great love for our children.
We can maintain our joy when we remember how faithful and unchanging God is. Focusing on Him brings renewed joy.
There is great joy when lost things are found - lost lambs, lost coins, but especially lost people. Sometimes we lose our joy like the older brother in the story of the prodigal son. The good news is that we can turn to God and find it again.
Joy is the inner celebration that nothing on the outside can change the fact that God loves me.
How wonderful that God wants us to go beyond the pursuit of happiness to experience joy. We can be joyful even when we're unhappy.
We all want to be happy, but joy goes much deeper. Joy is not based on circumstances or feelings, which change like the weather. True joy comes from a celebration of the heart over the things that do not change-things that come from the Lord.
We miss so much joy just because we don't open ourselves up to all there is to enjoy. We can choose to embrace all the joy that today has to bring.
Pressures in our lives can crowd out joy. Let's remember to pray and ask God to help us discover renewed joy.
Your joy comes from what you give, now from what you accumulate.
Psalm 16:11 "In Your presence is fullness of joy; At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore."
Update on Michael.....get ready to grab a hanky
Becky, Nikki and I all agreed it was time for Wyatt to go see his Daddy. Now that Michael is holding strong in the step down ward of MUSC we are allowed to take Wyatt in to see him.
We all were a bit nervous, because we weren’t sure how Wyatt would react. Obviously Michael looks very different from when Wyatt last saw him 9 weeks ago.
Michael has lost about 80 lbs. he tends to tremble when raising his hands due to extreme weakness. He doesn’t have a lot of facial expressions. Nor does he have the ability to speak out loud yet. We are hoping this week that they will reattach his voice box to the tracheotomy tube.
From what I can see and hear from Michael, he is all there. He whispers to Nikki and she relays what he says to the rest of us. He knows all to well where he is and what is going on. He even has been having nightmares when he sleeps of the accident. He remembers the accident completely.
Due to his nightmares, Nikki and Becky have both assured Michael in speaking with him that the event is all over and that he is ok. To Michael, I am sure this all seems like a blink of an eye and to him it may seem like it was yesterday that an accident happened. For the rest of us, it almost seems like a lifetime.
Nikki has pretty much let him know it is October and he is aware of it now. He even said to Nikki, that he missed his birthday. We all kind of chuckled and told him that yes we had your birthday while you were asleep in the ICU.
Back to Wyatt. As always Wyatt pretty much knows his way around in MUSC. He smiles and waves to everyone. He is always anxious to go play with the toys in the waiting room and ride the elevators. But yesterday was different for him.
We took Wyatt up to the 6th floor and proceeded to Michael’s room. As we entered Michael was awake and looked straight at Wyatt.
Michael’s Grandma, Mother, Sister, Becky, Nikki and I we all in tears, as Michael had tears running down his face as well. We all were telling Wyatt, ‘there’s your Daddy’… Nikki took Wyatt and stepped right up to Michael’s side and Michael raised his hand towards Wyatt. Wyatt gave his Daddy the teddy bear he got for him.
The 3 of them shared a wonderful reunion. Wyatt was a little apprehensive at first but he soon warmed up to Daddy. Becky and I were more than happy to step away from Michael’s room and allow the family to share this wonderful moment. Later on Wyatt went shopping at the gift shop and took his Daddy a balloon that read ‘Get well Dad’.
As Michael drifted off to sleep, Wyatt was his normal self, flirting with the nurses and generally running the hallways. Wyatt seemed more at ease with the second visit back to Daddy’s room and they spent a good amount of time together.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Too much to say....
God is many many many much joy!
Since I've started this weeks Bible Study on Joy everything I read, everywhere I go(church signs), I've received e-mails about joy....whew! God is really showing me SO much this week.
Tune back in tomorrow sometime and I'll try and have my thoughts posted. He is also wanting me to share about complaining, also about tithing. WOW God is really hitting me with a lot of topics all at the same time. Stay tuned you're in for a lot of posts....
Love ya'll
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Prayer for our Group of Bible Study Ladies.....
As our group met tonite for Bible Study, oh the amazing things you showed me personally for my life. You showed me how to deal with some issues I have going on in my life and exactly what I need to do and I want to say Thank you Lord!
God I want to lift up in prayer to you each lady and the requests they made to you tonite for different things that are going on with them personally or in their families. I pray that you will shower each one of them with your answers Lord, show them your power at work God, bring them peace and comfort through each trial or valley they may be facing.
God love on them and continue to bring them closer to you Lord as they seek your face daily during this particular study and their own personal time with you God. I pray that you help them to see when they can carve out time in their day to spend with you Lord.
Fill their needs God, fill their cups overflowing with renewed joy this week and help us to understand how we should NEVER cease to rejoice!
In your name I give these requests,
Your daughther,
Monday, October 6, 2008
How much Faith do you have?

This picture is actually bigger than most mustard seeds I've seen.
So think about it, do you have even this much faith?
God tells us in His word Matt. 17:20 that if we have faith the size of a mustard seed we can move a mountain.
So do we? Why don't we take everything to God. He wants to hear all our problems from the biggest to the smallest. He already knows them all, but He wants us to tell Him about them.
Do we not believe He can help us through them? I'm going through one of those times in my life right now. Satan is on the attack trying to attack my small mustard seed, but he is not going to win. I'm showing God that I have the faith to know He will bring me through my difficult times and I will give Him the glory and honor through it all. I'm not giving in, instead I'm giving it all up to Him in prayer....
What about you? what is the size of your faith?
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Last night of my R and R.....
Today we:
-went shopping at many places
-had dinner at Bull Fish Grille (this is an AWESOME restaurant)
-went to the Comedy Barn show
-came back to the hotel for a bit
-went to the Tennessee Shindig Show
-got back to the hotel around 10:30
-packed a little
Not ready to go back to reality just yet. I could still use some more time away.
I have many decisions to make when I return home so please be in prayer for me.
I love ya'll
I'm Just sayin'.....
Why do people say "I'm just sayin'. If you've already said what you had to say, then why do you then have to end your conversation with "I'm just sayin'?
Friday, October 3, 2008
My 4-day vacation so far.....
- Went to the Christmas Village shopping
- Went to the As Seen on TV Store
- Ate lunch at Red Lobster
- Went to the Elvis Museum
- Drove to Gatlinburg and shopped
- I tried out the Jiggling George
- Ate dinner at Bennetts BBQ
- Drove back to Pigeon Forge to hotel
-Went to the Outlet Mall shopping (got some great deals)
-Went to Belks
-Lunch at Chick Filet
-Went to Wonder Works (had a blast)
-Drove to Knoxville
-Dinner at the Apple Barn
-Went to pick up our show tickets for tomorow nights "Comedy Barn"
-Went through a Mirror Maze (we got through in 7 minutes) they said most people take about 20 minutes
-Back to the Christmas Village to pick up a few items
-Back to the hotel for some chillaxin'
We are having a lot of fun......I needed this R and R very much.
Please pray for me while I'm here though even through all the fun there is something that has happened that is truly weighing on my heart. Pray that God will help me make the right decisions for when I return home.
One day and a half left and I intend on making the most of all God has for me here.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Having Christmas early.....
How soon have you ever celebrated Christmas?
Well guess what I'm celebrating right now. We are in Gatlinburg TN and staying at
"The Inn at Christmas Place". This entire hotel is decorated with Christmas decorations in the lobby, in the garden, at the pool, each room. It is just beautiful. I wish I had my camera cord so I could down load some pictures for you to see. We are having a blast. My mom and sister told me I was not going to be blogging all weekend long but I told them hold up now that I have to let everyone know what's happening.
I will continue to keep you updated with my trip and the things the Lord lays on my heart while I'm up here in the beautiful mountains. Love ya'll and talk to you tomorrow sometime.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Awesome News on Michael...
They have reduced his pain medicines to enable him to be more coherent.
They will be adding a voice box to his tracheotomy tube to help him talk.
Nikki was able to talk to Michael for a good long time this past weekend.
She says he remembers the accident, he can recall most of the people that have come to visit him.
He is aware of where he is and the severity of his injuries.
He watched the Carolina Panthers football game Sunday and told Nikki to move at one point because She was in his way of the TV screen...chuckles.
He is doing well with all the instructions the doctors are giving him and he appears to be co-operating in his recovery now.
So, it seems Michael is all there and still has a sense of humor.
Michael will need a lot more support from friends and family now that he is awake, so that depression doesn't set in.
Some of the greatest news since he first went into ICU, Michael has now been moved to the sixth floor so now they can bring Wyatt to see his Dad! Thanks God for showing us your power!
Monday, September 29, 2008
Seven Random things about me...
1. I don't like to drink milk after other people. It's O.K. if they want to drink my tea or diet coke but don't think about drinking my milk because if you do it becomes yours then.
2. I don't like snakes, spiders, crickets, grasshoppers, FROGS, beetles, rats, mice. Okay Okay I'll stop now.
3. I like to have my quiet time in the bathtub. It's the only place in my house where no one will bother me.
4. I like to have yard sales, but don't like to get ready to have one.
5. I don't like to buy clothes.
6. I pretty much wear the same jewelry all the time. Only occasionally change it.
7. I've had three eye surgeries on each one of my eyes.
Ok so here are the people I'm tagging to hear from:
Kelly McCormick
Matt Brown
Eleni Jones
Sam McCellan
Tia Hicks
Sunday, September 28, 2008
What kind of skeletons are in your closet?

Okay everyone here's a bold question for you.
What skeleton do you have hiding in your closet?
Why are you hiding it?
God knows its there? Why not just go ahead and give it up to Him now?
There is someone out there who needs to hear about our skeletons and know that we aren't perfect little Christians. We do things wrong too.
There are people who need to hear our story so they can know that God can forgive them too and clean them up from the things they are hiding, yep it's hard to tell those things to people who think oh they would never do that, but oh if they only knew what we were hiding.
My daughter shared part of her testimony in Sunday School this morning and I thought some people would drop their drawers, because no one there really knew about this part of her life, and I myself only found out about it several months ago when she finally decided to tell me about it. Now that she has dealt with God on it and God has cleansed her, God is now using her story to reach out to others who have this same problem.
We should not judge her, talk about her or in any way think differently of her. She is still God's child and deserves His love just like you and I. She deserves forgiveness just like you and I. No matter what she did or will do in her life.
Think about those skeletons you have in your closet that no one knows about. Are you ready to come clean with yourself and God and allow God to use your story to reach others.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Waiting for God to show us something special tomorrow...
I pray for the speaker that God would use her to reach inside each of us where God has been trying and I pray that He gets through to each one of us with exactly what we need!
God unite us...speak to us...give us the something special that we need
Friday, September 26, 2008
Judgment House....

Thursday, September 25, 2008
New Update on Michael
They have reduced his pain medication, which should bring him around a bit more mentally.
Or, at least allow him to be a bit more coherent.
His belly seems to be healing and working some for him.
The hope today is that he will remain stable.
If he is able to remain stable and in the current condition of being awake and alert, the greatest news of all was heard.
That they may be able to move him to a step down, out of the ICU.
This will be just fantastic, because then we will be able to take Wyatt to see his Daddy.
Keep your fingers crossed that all will be ok and the move to the step down will happen here shortly.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Newest update on Michael
We have been told that they have placed a large lounge chair in Michael's ICU room and throughout today they will attempt to get Michael up out of bed and allow him to sit in the chair.
This will go a long way in helping his lungs be in a different position in order to help clear them.
He has been off the ventilator now for 2 1/2 days.
Michael first woke last Thursday 9/18/08.
He pretty much is aware of himself. He has been told where he is and that Nikki and Wyatt are ok.
Beyond that, we were instructed to not bring up any conversations that may agitate him. Such as about the accident, or mention current events at home that he may feel he is missing.
We were allowed to ask simple questions of him and to inform him that everything is fine and he is ok and so fourth.
He basically without speaking would shake his head yes or no to simple questions.
He has tried to speak, but we feel that the tubes that remain in his throat are preventing this.
His Grandma, Mom, Becky and Nikki all have been to see him this past weekend and he recognized them all.
So, I believe this is very good news for today if it all goes well.
I am sure there will be a great deal of pain in trying to get out of bed and sit in a chair.
But, these are the first steps in getting him out of the ICU and into a normal room.
Thus, the truly anticipated day when we can bring Wyatt into see his Daddy.
I will try to keep you all updated as this progresses.
Thanks so much for all your well wishes and prayers.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
In God's Arms you will find...

Monday, September 22, 2008
To My Children....
And I trusted God to bring my dreams into line with His dreams.
And every dream I've dreamed has come true and is coming true. And God still has many dreams yet to bring forth.
I praise God for every moment I've had with both of you and for every moment I have yet to come. The school graduations, the upcoming wedding, maybe future grandchildren, whatever plans He has for us I'm ready and looking forward to each day that He gives me to enjoy you both.
I pray that each of you will "daily" seek His face and His guidance for every decision you make in your life.
God has so many things in store for His children and I want to see all of your seeds grow the way God is planting them to.
I love you both SO much there is no way to express it in this little blog.